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Visit our specialised corporate gifting service! Make a lasting impression with a fabulous floral gift for that special corporate event! If you are looking for corporate gifts we have the range that you are looking for. Choose from a great range of unique and impressive arrangements and bouquets. We can also cater for corporate gift giving with gourmet gift hampers and fruit gift baskets.

Absolute Serenity


For a gift of absolute serenity and joy, this simple vase of pure white orchids is a study in beauty.



A simple gesture to send a taste of the orient into the home of your family and friends with this arrangement of exotic pale pink orchids.

Artistic Angles


This artistic arrangement includes an array of whites and greens perfect for any occasion

Blushing Celebration


Go all out for your special someone with this opulently awesome array of lavish flowers and sparkling wine, hand arranged in a wicker basket. It’s an absolutely irresistible gift.

DC Indoor plant


The gift that keeps on giving, our florist will source an amazing indoor plant that’s sure to keep your loved ones remembering you every day

DC Savoury Hamper


Designer's Choice hamper that includes savoury goods.

DC Sweet Hamper


Designer's Choice hamper that includes sweet snacks.

Enchanted Cottage


This magical vase arrangement will be at home in a cottage, a condo, a studio or an estate. It’s so pretty it will be appreciated by all those lucky enough to receive it. Enchant someone today!

Endless Lovelies


Timeless and touching, this serenely beautiful bouquet of peach and white blooms in a vase is perfect for everyone